Art wiki
Andy-warhol 63

Born: 8/6/28 Died: 2/22/87

Andy Warhol was a famous pop artist and one of the most famous American artists of all time. The Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh, his birthplace, is the largest museum in America dedicated to a single person.


Andy Warhol the Carnegie Institute of Technology in Pittsburgh and later moved on to New York in 1949, where he began a career in advertising and magazine illustration. He also became sought-after when it came to designing record covers during the rise of the vinyl record.

When it came to his artwork, he enjoyed using the silkscreen method, which occasionally made way for minor errors. However, Warhol often said that errors were a natural part of the work and were art in and of themselves.

Warhol began exhibiting his work in the 1950s, and rose to extreme popularity in the 1960s. He was widely criticized for pandering to the "consumerist market", but this only signified his role as the center of the shift in the twentieth century art world.

He is particularly well-known for his work that now defines pop art, like Campbell's Soup , and Marilyn Monroe.

People he inspired[]

Dan L. Stewart was inspired by Andy Warhols attitude
